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Re: QR and photographers

Eddie Oliver wrote:

> The question which remains to be resolved is whether QR have any legal
> right to stop people taking simple photographs or using simple hand-held
> video cameras. Surely that is a question of fact which would be resolved
> by someone simply asking QR Head Office what their view of the matter
> is; if they claim they have some legislative support for a
> no-photographs-without-permission policy, they would presumably quote
> it, and if not, the situation would also be clear.

Well, I have done precisely that.  Head Office says they have no problem with
personal photography, just talk to the Station Master first, and there should be
no problem.  The only thing is, that when I have followed this advice, either the
Station Master says no, or as happened in one case, it took three quarters of an
hour of phone calls for him to say yes, but the train had gone through long

David Johnson