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Re: Burnley Grp Trains (Melb)

Johann Fan wrote:
> Dear all,
> Travelling home tonight there were a lot of cancellations on Burnley grp
> trains (all times ex FSS):
> 1716 Upper FT Gully 4 mins late
>           supposedly modified to : Richmond-Glenferrie-Camberwell-all
> stations

Can't wait for the day when they modify the schedules to be something
like Lilydale express to Flinders St ;)

>           (destination TV had: connects with Deepdene, East Kew bus at East
> Camberwell (???))
>  but not sure as I was on the Belgrave train which left 2mins after it but
> didn't overtake it between Camberwell & Box Hill.
> 1719 Glen Wav cancelled
> 1722 Belgrave ONTIME (stopped Camberwell, meant to be exp. Richmond-
> BoxHill

Wow!  Obviously I'm not the only one surprised! :)

> 1724 Lilydale cancelled
> 1729 Upper FT Gully 6 mins late

The 19:25 Camberwell -> Flinders St was approximately 17 mins late
arriving at Camberwell as well.  Sounds like things still weren't
working right.  The 7:50pm Flinders -> Ringwood was 9 minute late

Seems like the concept of running suburban trains on time went out with
last week's trash.  I haven't caught a Belgrave/Lilydale/Burnley group
train that has been on time according to the platform clocks, departing
Flinders St at 9 in the morning for at least 6 weeks now...but I can't
remember the last time that a VLP train left late :)  [It -really-
stuffs up connections when that happens]  It is good to see that at
least one operator has gotten their stuff together and figured that
"ontime, everytime" is what people expect.

Along with this new passenger charter that was supposed to be a good
thing, were supposed to be statistics which demonstrated observations
such as this and put numbers and times on performance of the system. 
Does anyone know if they are publically available yet?  Or does the
charter not count until the two companies are sold off?
