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Burnley Grp Trains (Melb)

Dear all,

Travelling home tonight there were a lot of cancellations on Burnley grp
trains (all times ex FSS):
1716 Upper FT Gully 4 mins late
          supposedly modified to : Richmond-Glenferrie-Camberwell-all
          (destination TV had: connects with Deepdene, East Kew bus at East
Camberwell (???))
 but not sure as I was on the Belgrave train which left 2mins after it but
didn't overtake it between Camberwell & Box Hill.
1719 Glen Wav cancelled
1722 Belgrave ONTIME (stopped Camberwell, meant to be exp. Richmond-
1724 Lilydale cancelled
1729 Upper FT Gully 6 mins late

Also, has security been decreased overnight at stabling points because there
have been a lot more trains with graffitti on them running recently. Some
with just the simple white texta but some were complete bits of vandalism in
many colours and about 3m in width... but I guess they're selling the circu
(oops.. service) so it doesn't matter?
