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WCR Newsletter on the Web


WCR have a new Newsletter, published monthly.  It's available to
passengers either on the train, or from our Geelong station office.


Read it on the web!  http://www.wcr.com.au
go to "newsletter"

On other matters...
BZ270 has been refurbished in the same upholstery as the upgraded S cars
(grey carpet, blue/grey seat covers, grey curtains).
Vehicle's are now using the shed at Warrnambool, T369 and several pass
cars were stabled on the new roads today.

I see GSR have re-bestowed several sleeping car names onto other
vehicles - so not only is there Purpawi and Nankuri at Ballarat East
(the original sleepers), they're also in the Overland (now on sitters)!
Tonight's Overland (Easter Mon) westbound had 13 vehicles and a good
load of passengers, being an empty motorail flat behind the loco (BL27),
then loaded double deck motorail, several maroon cars (including Club
2), then several silver cars (including several 'J' cars, one Ghan, one
IP sitter and one IP sleeper).  Good to see the older 'J' stock
upgraded, they tell me this train is slowly gaining patronage.  There's
an offer whereby travel Adelaide-Perth on the IP and you get free travel
on the Overland Melb-Adelaide.

Craig Haber
The early bird catches the worm - but the second mouse gets the cheese!