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Re: Gradient Diagrams

Graham Duffin <duffin@dyson.brisnet.org.au> wrote:

>desktop@pipeline.com.au (Frank Jones) writes:
>> Most readers of this NG would be familiar with the books of gradient
>> diagrams available for Victoria (the ARE reprint of the 1927 edition)
>> and the similar format booklet for NSW.

>Where can the Vic and NSW books be obtained from?

>I haven't seen any for sale for Qld.

For Vic, The ARE shop in Melb sells or used to sell originals (1927),
facsimiles (1927 + their own collation of updated diagrams), plus the
current edition (several since 1985, A4 format).  Even the 1927
originals go for reasonable prices, since they seem to reasonably
common.  Mine cost $25.

Haven't seen NSW ones for years, but both originals and the facsimiles
used to be available.  I passed up an opportunity to buy the original
artwork for NSW diagrams a few years ago- the whole set, in A0 size
cost about $120.

Commonwealth/Australian National published theirs on some sort of
plastic/transparency paper, at about A2 size.  These can still be had
in some second-hand places (but at about $30 per sheet though).

Diagrams and I think diagram books, existed for SA, Qld and Tas,
because I have seen extracts of all of them at various times.  A SA
diagram book (I think) was advertised for sale in an antiquarian book
catalogue from the U.K. about 7 or 8 years ago- "someone from
Australia bought it", the auctioneer said.

Geoff Lambert