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[Fwd: Mystery Train]

David Johnson
CityRail Guard

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David Johnson wrote:

> Posted from aus.rail
> --
> David Johnson
> CityRail Guard
> trainman@ozemail.com.au
> http://www.ozemail.com.au/~trainman/
>   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Mystery Train
> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 07:12:43 GMT
> From: einsaar@bigpond.com
> Newsgroups: aus.rail
>  Recently I found a watercolour painting of a train traveling through
> the Blue Mountains, the train consist of a C35 Locomotive painted
> black with a silver star on the smoke box door and four red coachs.
> It was painted in the late 1920, the picture is entitled
> the"HONEYMOONERS EXPRESS" I believe that this train did run between
> Sydney and Hazelbrook, can anyone give me any information on it?
> Arthur Einsaar
> einsaar@bigpond.com

  I would very much like to see this painting, as it sounds
like it might
be of the Caves Express just before the 35s were painted
blue and the
carset blue and cream.  If the painting is one that was
painted at the
time, rather than being painted more recently from a
photograph, it may
contain some valuable clues to the colour scheme for
carriages in use at
the time.  The Caves Express did run for a short time after
with a black 35 with silver star on the smoke box door and
the cars in
"the standard colours" of the time.  Its a shame that those
who recorded
these events at the time did not think to record what "the
colours" were!

DPC James McInerney

STOP! In The Name Of The Lore!

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