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Hillside trains buyers

Of interest is the tour of some gentlemen from Stagecoach by Roger Mendes,
head of Hillside on Friday.

At the end of the tour, some of the gentlemen went to go back to the city
and realised they should buy a ticket (how did they get there then... unless
Roger Mendes WAS their ticket).
    Anyway, they deliberately walked past the ticket machine and bought a
ticket from the booking office. Apparently the reason for this is because
whilst Stagecoach are very pro-technology (to the point where allegedly if
you know about computers and are proficient and happy in using them, you
will go far. If not, you will be given the lowest positions in the
organisation until you leave) but anti-ticket machine. Which begs the
1. Do Stagecoach currently run any railways - I know they run lots of
buses - and if so what are staffing and ticket machine levels like?
2. If it's true and Stagecoach end up buying a Melbourne railway, what will
become of the machines?
3. What technology based upgrades will they perform if they do get a
Melbourne railway? It's not like the railways don't need it.

We live in interesting times...