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Re: Steamfreight 98

Eben Levy wrote:

> Well, if I get the chance I will be there next year but out of all this, I
> have one thing left to say.

Spoken by an expert in this field.  :-Þ

> If I had a lump of ballast in the brakevan with me, I
> would've thrown it at the car.

This is a great solution to the problem.  Road/Rail rage strikes again.

> This is not the way to do things. everyone has the right to set up where
> they like if they are not in anyones way

That is not correct.  People do not have the right to set up on railway land, as
it is trespassing.

> and no one has the right to get in
> there way.

there = their.  What about railway employees in the course of their duties?  Do
they have the right to get in photographer's photos?

David Johnson
CityRail Guard