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Re: Metcard handheld scanners

: People in Sydney don't scream about having to validate tickets
: when they go through electronic barriers or get on buses. It is
: not perceived as unreasonable, and it causes minimal if any delays.

: People in Adelaide don't scream about having to validate tickets 
: on trains, buses and probably trams.

: So what is so different about Melbourne that people do scream
: so loudly there? Is the system so differemt, or are people in
: Melbourne just more given to complaining?

Just add the little niggling thinks about the system in Melbourne
Sydney and Adeliade.  You will See, I will put a few in for Melbourne
maybe someone can add from Sydney or Adeliade.

Machines Out of Order too often.
No Conductors on Trams.
Barriers at Stations not letting people out (weekly and monthly)
Barriers at Stations set for bi directional mode (causeing confussion)
No enought Barriers at Stations like Melbourne Centeral, where there is room for more
Trams not selling daily tickets.
Having Customer Service People getting on trams to catch people (just have conductors)
Long drawn out process of installing the system (coming up for 4 years)

I could go on as could many other people, but I would like to here from people
in Sydney and Adeliade on what they pecive as problems with their systems.

It would make a good comparasion of why Melbourne People Complain so much
about metcard, but please I don't want to see this turning into everyone
adding to the list about Melbourne.

Chris Gordon