Re: SRA railcar disposal

Matthew Geier (
22 Apr 1998 02:24:51 GMT (David Bromage) writes:

>I'm amazed that SRA is disposing of 11 620/720 sets and 4 DEB sets with
>the Olympics only 2 years away. With the number of people visiting they'll
>need every car they can get their hands on. It stands to reason that the

Most of the old railcars are not operable. The SRA couldnt use them during
the Oylmpics without spending a lot of money on them.

In the last days on the south, many were running with only 1 of the two
traction engines running, mostly transmission failures. The EP brake no longer
worked on most of the fleet. The wheels were worn, the bogies worn, they really
shouldnt have been in service. Thats before we get to the sad state of the
passenger space.

The SRA let them run into the ground. A lot of work needs to be done to get
them back up to minimum acceptable standards. It would probably cost more to
rehablitate those cars than it would to by a nice new commuter road coach.

Their only future is preservation where labour isnt a cost.