Re: Nineteenth century safeworking

Krel (
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 13:49:33 GMT

>3 A couple of months ago there was a post from Krel re Victorian
>safeworking. I note some sections are double line block. Is this manual
>block with block instruments?

Yep. Up to date, eh?

Also, are the ES and OS sections progressively
>being converted to other systems?
Some are but a hold seems to have been placed on new Train Orders and
Section Authority Working installations.

>4 Finally, what is the situation on other systems? AFAIK all of the AN
>system was tokenless at the end and the SAR had no manual block when it was
>taken over. I guess that just leaves Westrail. All replies concerning NSW
>should be given by persons wearing funny hats and clown shoes.
In the Deep South most branches are still Ordinary Train Staff and
Ticket even such silly sections as Junee Triangle and Henty to Henty
Bulkhead. I think Junee to Griffith and Coota to Parkes is still
Electric Staff.

I remember in the mid 1980's we used to turn on the triangle at
Narrabri and required FOUR staffs for the move!!!! Narrabri West South
Triangle (OTS), Narrabri West North Triangle(OTS), Narrabri Junction
toTurrawan (ES) and Narrabri Junction to Narrabri. The East leg of the
triangle was Narrabri Junction station limits but you needed an
electric staff to get out to the Home signal at each end to get around
the triangle.



When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather; not screaming and scared shitless like his passengers.