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Re: Power wastage at Waterfall?

In the message about  Power wastage at Wat*****, from MATTHEW@SLEEPER.APANA.ORG to ALL!, MATTHEW@SLEEPER.APANA.ORG said:"

MM> lights one will discourage the vandals as all that light makes them
MM> easy to spot from a distance..

MM>  Also means the train drivers taking those trains out on Monday morning
MM> get an extra 10 minutes in the warm crib room, instead of being out preping
MM> their train - they dont run the risk of finding all the air reserves bled
MM> off, thus having to manually raise one pan to get things going.

Doesn't mean the lights couldn't be switched off while leaving the pans up
and air compressors going - even leaving just one pan up would do the
trick.  BTW what exactly is the manual process used for raising one pan
when all the air reserves have bled out... is there a manual pump or



 * RM 1.31  * Albert! alberta@zip.com.au http://www.zip.com.au/~alberta/