Re: GM1 and 80 years of the Trans

Terry Burton (
Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:11:35 GMT (David Bromage) wrote:
>I recall reading an article in AMRM back in the 80s which had the mileages
>to date of the GM1 class. I'm pretty sure even then the entire class was
>over 5 million km.

That could be right, I have spent hours going through half a
shed of railway memorabilia, magazines and notes. I can not
find an article that I read some years ago (wasn't AMRM)
just before GM1 was put on display that mentioned the
distances travelled.
Surprisingly, the ARHS SA Div "The Recorder" noted in the
May 1990 edition that GM1 was pushed into Port Augusta
Station and handed over to the local Council. It noted the
fact that GM1 was on permanent display on a raised section
of track in the No.2 Dock, but no mention of kms travelled.!

Regrettably, the last of my AN contacts in the "Port" has
done a runner. :-( ........but somebody must have it.

Alice Springs NT