Re: GM1 & NR repaints > AusRAIL97 Exhibition?

Terry Burton (
Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:45:26 GMT (Maurie Daly) wrote:

>Who actually owns GM1 under the new regime, and how many of the original
>series 1 GMs are still operable , if any.

Not sure who owns GM1. The ARHS "The Recorder" noted that
GM1 was "handed over" to the local council. I was told some
years ago that AN still owned it, don't know for sure.

GM2 is at the Port Dock Railway museum.
GM3 went back to Clyde Engineering.
GM,s 4,5,6,8,9,11, were sold for scrap in 1990.
GM's 7 & 10 lingered around the PA workshops for a while.
GM7 was the last in service. It was struck amidships in a
shunting "accident" at Port Augusta in January 1991 and
written off, it was the last GM1 series in service with AN.

Alice Springs NT