Re: PTC incident - 16/10

Paul Pickford (
Sat, 18 Oct 1997 08:36:43 +0800

Andrew Morgan wrote in message
>The Transport Act (218B) empowers a authorised officer to request a
>persons name and address if he believes on reasonable grounds that an
>offence has been committed against the Transport Act or Regulations such
>as in this case. Further, a person who refuses to provide their name
>and address may be arrested (Section 219) and handed over to a member of
>the police force.
Similarly WA's 62 rulebook stated "That any servant of the commission, may
arrest and detain, without warrant or authority any person etc etc"
A pretty gutsy rule really, which was typically watered down in a later rule
by stating that a person could not be arrested if they consented to provide
their name and address.
I'm sure the spirit of this type of rule is to allow station staff to arrest
violent drunks etc, not "Wicked alleged fare evaders".