Re: Melbourne AFC and Non-gated Barriers

Roderick Smith (
24 Jul 1997 13:53:10 GMT

David Goll <> wrote in article
> I have a query regarding the OneLink implementation of Automatic Fare
> Collection in Melbourne. Why are there no 'gated' barriers at major city
> and suburban railway stations?
Why should there be gated barriers? Europe runs user-friendly open
stations, including urban ones. Barriers cause congestion and delays, and
effectively provide slower and less-convenient services.
In fact, Melbourne will have a mix. Barriers are being provided at the
city loop stations and larger suburban stations. However, the solution
cannot rely on barriers on all stations, and has to cope with street
transport too.
Barriers are an overkill for a low density and infrequent system, such as
Melbourne. If we had services like Hong Kong, then stations like Hong
Kong's might be suitable.
Roderick Smith
Rail News Victoria Editor