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Re: Re: {nsw} When to change trains

Hey i did ask a inspector when going to the city did i have to get off at
chatswood and waste 40 minutes added on to my trip by using a shit house
north shore service with one train every 15 or so mins insted of going
straight to the city and poaying there and he said that was ok becauyse like
most of thoes on the coast know narara doesnt give you a ticket from
chatswood to the city.
Oh by the way you can also use the gate at the end of platform 4 that is so
easy to walk out of just show them a ticket and you go straight through they
dont even check if it is out of date so once again people i am glad to be of
sevrice in how to get the best possible trip out of city rail.
Thank you for travelling city rail.
> You are an habitual fare evader and I hope you get caught breaking the
> law and fined.
> David Johnson
> trainman@ozemail.com.au
> http://www.ozemail.com.au/~trainman/
> ------------------------------------
> These comments are made in a private
> capacity and do not represent the
> official view of State Rail.
> C.O.W.S. Page 11.