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Re: [NSW] Maybe guards aren't useless, they're dangerous

Please don't forget there are 2 sides to every story. Admittedly, there are
some dangerous Guards, who should not be allowed to be Guards. The selection
process has a bit to answer for.  The vast majority of Guards are decent
people who care very much about the safety and well being of their
passengers and are just out trying to earn a living for themselves and
families. They are unfortunately bought down by instances such as your
girlfriend's. If it is proven that this Guard was not doing his/ her job
properly, then please, do us all a favour and get rid of him/ her.

To the Drivers and others in this thread who are "Guard bashing", what is
the point? The same goes for Drivers as for Guards and for any other worker,
there are good and bad but why generalise? The vast majority of Drivers are
also decent people earning a living for themselves and family and take great
pride in their work, why bag the lot of them because of the few idiots?

"Al" <alpout@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message
> My own personal brickbat goes out to the guard on the 4:19pm from
Newcastle to
> Telarah today, at Victoria St.  He gave the signal to move off while
> were still trying to get off, including my girlfriend, who was sort of
> about 30m in the doorway as the train accelerated, with the door closing
> her, until she managed to jump clear.
> And the worst part?  The guard watched the whole thing and didn't do
> to stop the train.
> All I'm going to say is he's lucky I wasn't around.
> --
> Al Pout
> Men are from Earth.
> Women are from Earth.
> Deal with it.