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Re: eager train driver

"<Type your name here>" <csinn@netlink.com.au> wrote in message
| Michael wrote:
| > atailby@optusnet.com.au (Andrew Tailby) wrote in
| >
| > >If ur an australian forget because under some crap of eeo or what ever
| > >it is called they need to take in more forigen background people than
| > >aussies and to start with from what i have been told you need to start
| > >on a staion then you go to guard and then you may just become a driver
| > >well thats for city rail any way.
| >
| > Ah good ol political correctness biting us white Australian born males
| > where it hurts most.
| I thought they took on the best people possible,

They used to, which is why most Drivers are Aussie males.

| maybe the Aussie "skips" just can not make the grade,

They're not allowed to try. Certain other groups are targeted so CityRail
can boast that's it got such and such a percentage of xyz group.

|would not suprise me one bit.

But you'd be wrong.