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Re: Metcard Adventures (Was: [Melb] Fare evasion)

Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> wrote in article

<snip garbage>

It's your attitude Proctor, that public transport companies love to hear. 
It promotes public transport as harder to access than the car. 

Really, if public transport is to compete with the car, it's going to have 
to become a lot more accessible. Multi modal fares (already the case in 
Melbourne - for how long now, who knows), being able to tender any 
reasonable legal tender to purchase a ticket (e.g. I don't expect a machine 
to spit change out from a $100 or $50 note if youre purchasing a small 
ticket - but less limitations would be desirable), frequent services and 
connecting feeder buses/trams.

Make it harder to catch public transport and people will just resort to the 
car, simple. Imposing such limitations on the purchase of tickets is ONLY 
counter productive and does not serve any benefit other than convenience to 

Could you imagine if you needed coins only, to fill up your car at a 
service station? Could you imagine if the service station attendant turns 
around and tells you he cannot give out more than $10 of change? There 
would be a huge out cry.

Unfortunately, it seems that some gunzels are obsessed with technology. 
Whilst I find nothing wrong with this, the technology has to work in a 
positive way to the end user.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

Whip me, Beat me, just don't Windows ME