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Re: DSRM and loco hiring

In article <ini2ctcq6e0bsdndm87gfi4rvkr4c29klo@4ax.com>, Yuri J
Sos<steam4me@dingoblue.net.au> wrote:

>Why can't S313 or the Ts lead north or east? I accept that there is a
>lack of ASW equipment for GHap - Nth Geelong C, but the rest?  S313
>has led to Seymour Dec 00, the Ts to Tocumwal etc.

If a heritage unit is operating a heritage train then it is allowed to be in
an 'as built' cab condition. If the unit is used on a commercial basis, then
it must meet modern cab standards as is expected of any loco. Crews should
not have to endure lesser conditions just because of the owner of the
locomotives, there has to be a standard. 
This is why R711 has Bremshey seats, permanent radio, windscreen wipers,
rear vision mirrors etc wheras R761 has none of these.
For S311 to lead in commercial service, it would need Bremshey seats,
air-con and a few other minor improvements. Fortunately, it has been
properly sound-proofed, another requirement. These modifications detract
from the heritage nature of the unit to a small extent, so a judgement call
has to be made as to the pros and cons of such modifications.

Stuart Thyer
University of Melbourne