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Re: [NSW] - Blitz on Fare Evasion

In article <3a7dfebb.7583721@news.ozemail.com.au>,
John Boxall <box@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
>On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 09:44:24 +1100, "David Bennetts"
><davibenn@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
>>Here we go again - CityRail have announced another blitz on fare evaders,
>>number of counts -  a lot of fare evaders are aware of the stations without
>>machines, or those where machines are almost perpetually out of order, and
>>will say that they boarded at such a station.  Also false names and/or
>>addresses are given to revenue protection officers, with the result that a
>>very low percentage of offenders are actually prosecuted.
>Why doesn't Cityrail give the RPOs the legal right to get proof of ID,
>as they do in Queensland...

 This morning at Redfern some one forced their way through the barriers (the
buzzers have been disconnected!), and were spotted by a RPO, who tried to
stop them, they pushed passed the RPO straight into a pair of police officers
who where 'lurking' just outside the station :-)

 Redfern station is getting extra gates, Platform 10(?), the one that used to
be the Illawarra platform and opens to the technology park at the down end 
will no longer be the 'paid' area. Up the top of the stairs at the up end
barriers were being installed this morning. This closes the last exit NOT
protected by gates.

 I just hope that the next time my Illawarra train is diverted via the City
Circle thus arrives at platform 10 instead of 12, some one has the sense to
open the barriers!. (Not that It would bother me, my periodical could cope
with the extra scan....)