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Re: [NSW] - Blitz on Fare Evasion

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 09:44:24 +1100, "David Bennetts"
<davibenn@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

>Here we go again - CityRail have announced another blitz on fare evaders,
>number of counts -  a lot of fare evaders are aware of the stations without
>machines, or those where machines are almost perpetually out of order, and
>will say that they boarded at such a station.  Also false names and/or
>addresses are given to revenue protection officers, with the result that a
>very low percentage of offenders are actually prosecuted.

Why doesn't Cityrail give the RPOs the legal right to get proof of ID,
as they do in Queensland...

>The former situation of stations without machines could be resolved by
>installing machines on Endeavour trains (which serve many such unattended
>stations) just like Melbourne trams, and also selling tickets on a
>commission basis by local businesses in the vicinity of such stations.  The
>latter needs some revision in the law to allow identity to be established -
>this is a very thorny area (remember the Australia card?), but unless
>something is done, evasion will continue to hit CityRail revenue.
>David Bennetts