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Re: Timetable tweaks endorse travel in the slow(er) lane

> So why is the Pakenham line least punctual.

I though busy lines like Lilydale/Belgrave/Glen Waverly would have the
worst puntual record but no.....

> And for that matter the Traralgon line is no where near its designed
> capacity,so why is it the worst for time keeping?

<<I think>> if you look closely at Eastern Victoria TT, you would note
most of the Traralgon services are stopping service from Pakenham all
the way to Traralgon. Stopping service can be hard to catch up with
time if delay occurs, on top of that if a Traralgon-Melbourne train
arrives Pakenham late it would have to follow slow service hence more
delay occurs.


Railway Rasputin

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