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Re: Revenue Protection Officers

"Erk" <erk@erkV69.au.com> wrote in message
| "David Johnson" <trainman@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
| | Tezza wrote:
| |
| | > The SRA has a Drug Analysis section?
| |
| | Yeah!  When you see them at TCAC, you call in sick.
| |
| Didn't Tezza have a whinge about them 3 months ago (or was he being
| sarcastic?)

I've never heard of the "Drug Analysis section" before. I gather he's
refering to the leather jackets who do the random (targeted) breath tests.
Have I had a whinge about them? Not that I'm aware of. i doin't do early
morning shifts so they don't bother me.

| Secret Agent Man - Who The Super Jesus are singing about.
| Radioactive Man - Who Erk imagines they are singing about.
| The Man - Who Erk wishes would end up on his ass.

Don't we all. Come on Dean Waters!