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Re: Billion dollar fast rail claim

> The other side of the coin is that the project might only cost $550
> million - in which case there would not need to be any funding from the
> private sector!
> cheers peter

Good thinking:-)

Looks like oppsition spokesman didn't pass primary school maths


> David Bromage <dbromage@fang.omni.com.au> wrote in message
> news:3AC16398.9ECD1B65@fang.omni.com.au...
> > The cost of the Victorials fast rail project could blow out to over a
> > billion dollars, according to the State Opposition. Opposition Public
> > Transport spokesman Geoff Leigh said a presentation to potential
> > investors in December showed the project's $810 million construction
> > cost had a variable of plus or minus 30 per cent - potentially blowing
> > out the cost to more than a billion dollars.
> >
> >
> ry=general%20news&story_id=32692
> > (Ballarat Courier)