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QLD - Integrated Bus-Rail Services & Ticketing--->??

Just wondering your thoughts.

Is there any real demand for integrated bus-rail services in QLD?

Yes I know it captures a good headline in the papers to bag QLD for
not having a "transit authority" governing both trains and buses - but
really, do people want it??

I am astounded that the few integrated ticket products that are in
place are, I'm told, the lowest selling tickets in the product range.

What is it about integration -----> a good crest to ride in bagging
the operators?  A good crest to ride in bagging the government?? OR a
genuine need of the majority of people, NOT just the vocal minority!!

I wonder with genuine people power if we would ever see such a thing
---> I think not because I firmly believe the majority are not
passionate about it, the majority just couldn't care. It seems that it
is only the vocal MINORITY that writes to the papers and pollies to
stress that there is a REAL need, by a LOT of people.

Integrated public transport in QLD------> I wonder.......

Anyway, that's my rant (sparked by an article in the CM on 23/9/2000,
again doubting true integration in Qld) I guess one indicator could
even be how many people share their thoughts to this thread.

Thanks for listening....
