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Re: Melbourne on track for a connie comeback

taliesin@nospam.chariot.net.au (Taliesin Walker) wrote in 

>How wide spread is fare evation in Melbourne? Common enough for a complete
>re-introduction of conductors to break even?

Quite often people are seen juggling carriages between stations. Example: 
Inspectors are in car 1, fare evaders are in car 3. Inspectors cross into 
car 2, and the fare evaders at the next station will run from car 3 to car 
1. At one point I saw the inspectors do one better though. They went from 
car 1 into car 2, then back into car 1 for any new people who jumped on (-:


Michael Kurkowski [email: michael DOT kurkowski AT gunzel DOT net]

ICQ: 1459118

etc etc etc. apathy prevents me from writing this quote.