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The Lunatics Have Taken Over Town Hall Station

At 2:00 pm today barriers all personned by big kids, strewn over the concourse
stopping people from catching trains, forcing little old ladies to climb up and
down stairs or take a s ..h....o...r............t walk to Martin Place station. Poor police standing round bemused
waiting reluctantly for the first fight.

The Loonies (or nazis?) have taken over. The fare paying public and the tourist
guests be damned. Ve must have nice empty and safe stations!!!

Get these pesky people out.

I was about to say, "Seriously, the situation is crazy", but I am serious already.
We are experiencing the first bout of "doctrinaire", rather than considered and practical measures - similar to the 6:am
towing away of cars parked on
streets near Bondi Beach, where loony clearway regimes have been declared, days before the first special bus is to run,
and quite unnecessary even when the
bus per minute stream wiil happen.

It can only get worse.

Michael Lewis