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Re: [vic] anyone seen THIS Metcard behaviour?

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 20:34:59 +1100, "Paul Hambleton"
<P.Hambleton@bom.gov.au> wrote:

>I have seen this quite a lot. The monthly tickets I buy and validate at
>Ashburton frequently gain an extra day at Flinders St. or Parliament on the
>way out.

Thanks for the confirmation.  I tried my ticket there last night, with
the same result.  How long has this been happening to you?

I rang and reported it as a fault yesterday, after 3 days of it.  They
seemed to think there was something wrong.

Somebody suggested that it might be because Connex owes us a day for
poor performance.  But isn't Parliament part of Bayside?  And wouldn't
this behaviour be consistent on all the Connex lines?  And how can
Connex give a day when Bayside don't, if you don't have to revalidate
when changing networks?

I'm going to give it a try on the 17th, to see if Parliament will let
me in and if another station will then not let me out.  I assume that
the expiry date printed on the back (16th) is what is accepted as
true, so I'll be carrying a new ticket as well.

>> I have a monthly ticket, due to expire on September the 16th.  That's
>> that expiry date printed on the back, and that's the expiry date that
>> validators always flash at me when I put the ticket in.
>> Today at Box Hill the validator said "expires 17/9/00". Thinking I'd
>> misread it, I put the ticket back in to go out again. Again it said
>> the 17th.
>> When I arrived at my home station (St Albans line), I put it in the
>> validator there. It said "expires 16/9/00", as normal.