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Re: ive had enogh

Look at this crap from Andrew, after I even tried to help him.

>Tezza wrote:
>...because he is too
> lazy to bother giving it a go. It's not hard to put a capital letter at the
> beginning of a sentence and a fullstop at the end. It's not hard to press
the spell
> check button before sending or go into Tools/Options/Spelling and tick the
> first 2 and last 2 boxes. It was mainly his own attitude that got up
> people's noses. He was too lazy to have a go.

x Andrew wrote:
x this i am keeping off the newsgroup

I'm not.

x so far i have had a few emails os support saying that i am doing  a good job

>From your mum? You're not doing a good job at all, you're lazy and/or selfish.

x and it doesnt matter so much that i cant spell or have good gramer

How hard is it to press the shift key at the start of a sentence and a
fullstop at the end? How hard is it to automatically spellcheck as I outlined
above? I can't recall a single post about your grammar though you keep
mentioning it.

x i have found that it is people like u in this world make fun at every bodys
x mistakes

Because you don't bother to make the slightest effort.

[Cue violins]
x like friday at work one of the people there was hoping to have me sacked
x after my 3 month trail because i had made mistakes and didnt understand
x things very well and that i was slow

Maybe you're out of your depth then. Maybe you're too lazy/selfish to make an
effort at work as well and the others are sick of rectifying things after you.

x the boss where i work is happy with the job that i do even if i have made
x mistakes he can see that i try
x  even if i do have attitude its because of people like u that call people
x like me stupid and a fuckup

Neither I, nor anyone else in this newsgroup has called you either of those
things. You obviously brought the attitude with you. People only started to
pull your posts apart when you ignored their advice because of your attitude.

x and are unable to  get things right and when i

[cue violins again]
x sent that post i had a shit of a day at work and are very tired at the end
x of it

As shown by the others who post properly, you're not alone.

x when i normaly reply to a post it is normally no more than a sentance or 2
x long and im sure that it is not that hard to work out when  it the sentence
x starts and stops if that sentence is only a few words

Then I'm sure it's not hard to add a bit of punctuation then.

x  what makes all them people who wrote emails to me is that accept me unlike
x u and a few others who have fun at what i write and the way that u love to
x pull apart my posts

I believe I've pulled only one (possibly 2) of your posts apart - because you
were too lazy/selfish to havew a go.

x  like they said i will reply my comments off the newsgroup and send them
x to there email boxes insted of the newsgroup

Don't bother sending me any more.

x i hope ur happy in the fact that u have been able to put my life down as if
x i am worth nothing

It sounds like you have a psychological problem, I think you should see a

[cue violins again]
x in my last job up here on the coast i got the same sought
x treatment as what u do to me on ausrail and after 2 days if i did have my
x motor bike i wouldnt have been writting this to u as there is a point in a
x person life where they can no longer take it any more

You're definately in need of help.

x one thing u dont see is the damage to there mental health every thing on
x the out side may be fine but on the inside they are very unstable u see i am
x now on tablets

Obviously not enough.

x because of the shit that i have gone through in the last 12
x months and they are the only thing to stop me from doing anything stupid
x may next time u will think before u make fun at other people because that
x fun u make my just be enough for them to die like i wanted to do once

Seek more psychiatric help, add some punctuation (2 extra keys will make a big
difference), and turn your spellchecker on as outlined above and nobody will
attack your posts. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, knock the chip off your
shoulder and make an effort, who knows, maybe you've even got something to