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Re: [VIC] Announcements on Bayside Trains

Andrew Box <boxy@bigpond.net.au> wrote in message
> Hi all
> One of the radios in my house was on 3aw tonite and I heard a story about
> strange announcements on a Bayside Train to St Albans such as "the nxt
> is Ginfer, dont get of there its a fu**ing hole".  Apparently Bayside's
> excuse is that a 10 yr old kid got into one of the other cabins on the
> and was making some amusing announcements.  The question has to be asked,
> why wasent the cab locked?  Is it std practice not to lock the cabs or are
> the locks on them so piss weak they break very easily?  It doesn't say
> for security if a 10 yr. old kid can get into a cab, actually I think
> National Express betta go out and buy some new locks before the little
> start to do stuff that is life threatening.

The question being is, can someone do much if the cab they are in is not the
leading cab?