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Re: Redundancy @ FreightCorp?

"Maurie Daly" <mauried@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

> Irrespective of what the State Govt may say , once Freightcorp has
> been sold there is no obligation on the new employer to offer any kind
> of job security whatsoever,or to adhere to any industry awards .

This is not necessarily correct. When FreightCorp is offered for sale, the
tender process would more than likely contain the following two conditional

1. The current award agreement would be binding on the new owner for the
remainder of the term of the agreement, giving employees at least another
year and a half on their current pay / conditions.

2. Incentive payments (CSO's) would be payed by the state government to the
new owner (possibly for up to  five years), conditional on the new owners
keeping existing resource levels in regional areas.


> I would have though that Freightcorp employees would be classiified as
> State public servants ,and therefore by entitled to VRs.
> Of course ,the NSW Govt will be trying as hard as it can to avoid
> having to pay VRs to anyone ,as did my ex employer.
> MD