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Re: spotted the Q?

At 14:50 today, Q 313 (yes, a Westrail Q) lead CLP8, JTA2-C and
commissioner/parlour/observation car EI 84 were waiting for a path to
cross Footscray Road to access the Patricks Terminal ...In MELBOURNE!

Q 313 is over here (according to the crew) for testing through the
Adelaide Hills.  If successful, it is probable that they will make
more appearences.

EI 84 was used to convey Executives of Patricks Stevedoring from
Adelaide and back (is their contract due or something?)

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 21:39:03 +0800, "Brian" <brm@global.net.au> wrote:

>I haven't seen any mention from the keen spotters on this spread about the
>Western Australian Q class locomotive floating around over Melbourne - South
>Australia way? or the fleet of 40 WW type wheat hoppers in South Oz. I was
>sure there would be some mention so I could see where the Q class had gone.
>Has anybody seen it?
>Regards Brian