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Re: Travel patterns (was Re: New form of rail transportation)

Alex Pout <alpout@optusnet.com.au> wrote in article

>How about also making Melbourne run through trains, like Sydney
>(Waterfall - Bondi, Penrith - North Sydney etc) or Brisbane
>(Rosewood/Ipswich - Caboolture (?), etc).  This would reduce the numbers
>needing to change in the city, while getting away from the attitude that
>all they do is take you to the city.

In the public transport contracts, there was a condition put in, that by 
1/1/2001 there must be a number of inter-peak through trains stopping at 
premium stations. Routes included Broadmeadows-Dandenong, and Werribee-
Frankston. These trains were to run every half an hour on top of what's 
already there. Funny, it didn't make it into this timetable. Can I 
therefore assume that this is another condition "negotiated" out of the 
contract, or will there be a new timetable yet again before January 1, 


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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