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Re: [NSW] Banyabba crossing loop disconnected

Chris Downs wrote:

> Can anyone advise how long ago the loop was decommissioned

fairly recently, as in the last few weeks (at least officially)

> and why the
> Banyabba's main line signals remain operable?

Because it separates the phases of the work. If the points etc. are
removed, the detection circuitry on the points can just be bridged, and
the CTC system then thinks that the points are set for the main line and
the signals etc can then work accordingly. No alterations are needed to
the CTC system, so the alterations can be done at some later stage (if
at all).

A similar situation prevailed (and may still prevail) with Weismantels.

In the case of Weismantels (less relevant at Banyabba) continued
operability of the mainline signals enables the section to be divided
for follow-on movements, i.e. a train can leave Stroud Road before the
previous train reaches Craven and vice-versa. This reduces headways in
what would otherwise be a long section.

Eddie Oliver