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[NSW] Drama @ the Airport Line...

Here is my story on the East Hills line today - Mon 22/05/2000...

At 13:30 as I approach Platform 22/23 at Central, there was two trains
already on Platform 22/23. Lot of passengers wondered around as the
indicator boards went blank and at the same time the guards, staff and some
passengers were discussing something...

The empty train (8 car S-set) at Platform 23 then departed for Eveleigh
Sidings and at the same time the guard and staff were discussing for 10
minutes which route to run to Macarthur (via Airport or via Sydenham).
Eventually they announced that the train on Platform 22 (6 car R-set)
supposed to run via Airport, will instead stop first at Turrella then all to
Macarthur via Sydenham. Finally the train left. (It was announced due to
signal failure on the Airport Line and at the same time I was reading the
signal [SY***IL - forgot the no} "green on green" which means via Sydenham)

The train skipped Redfern, Sydenham and then stopped at red (on red) signal
before Tempe for 10 minutes. The guard then announces that the train has
been transposed to stop at Turrella then Revesby and all to Macarthur. So I
decided to get off at East Hills (to change trains for Kingsgrove) rather
than Turrella. A lot of passengers then express disappointment at the female
guard (she did a great job - BTW) but only some was angry.

After stopping at Turrella, it ran non-stop to Revesby and eventually I got
off at East Hills eventually and immediately I missed the first train (on
Platform 2 - 8 car S-set) as I and other passengers (who was in the same
situation as me) rushed from Platform 3 through the under walkway to
Platform 1/2. The second train (8 car Tangara {one of my faves}T-set)
terminated at Platform 1 but immediately it was transposed to run non-stop
to Central via Sydenham (it was supposed to do all stations service to
Bardwell Park then Tempe, Sydenham, Redfern, Central to City Circle). The
third train (8 car S-set) then terminated at Platform 1 and running all
station service to Central via the Airport Line - finally. (I think they
just fixed the signalling problem on the Airport Line).

*Also the guard (running the third train) told me there was rail related
death at Granville also made some trains to run out of new timetable.

BTW - the station staff & guards handle the situation very well as the
problem is beyond their control therefore they did a excellent job in
keeping passengers informed as well as lifting the passengers' spirits up.

Oh well - tomorrow, I might catch the train a bit early, as the train I
caught this morning at 09:30 (7 minutes late already) approached Turrella
Station slowly (not stopping at Turrella) and then stopped at red (on red)
signal (East Hills Up line) before Wolli Creek for 10 minutes. But it ran
smoothly along the Airport Line.

Have anyone encounter the same problems as me on the East Hills line today?
(BTW - A good topic to discuss on SBS tonight - "Going Home" at 19:30)

Danny Mok