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Re: Have all the L's gone??

I am not sure. Maybe some one from Westrail can answer this one. I took 3MP5
to Perth from Kalgoorlie arriving in Forrestfield. But as Westrail had some
signaling problems I didn't get a chance to have a look. What I did notice
was that the have changed the part of the yard where the loco marshalling
was done. Would have liked to have had time for a better look.
Unfortunately with the signaling problems I had to concentrate on driving
down unfamiliar roads and making sure all roads were correctly set for my
"Richard" <richard_snook@primus.com.au> wrote in message
> ANyone who knows....where have all the L's gone??or are some still in WA
> stored awaiting fate unknown SOme are reported to have gone to SA for ATN
> others to NZ ...is there a complete list of didpersemants ??   or are some
> left??
> Thanks..just curious >:~)) Richard