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Re: URGENT Re: [VIC] V/line timetables on the net

ajmbrook@ozemail.com.au (James Brook) wrote in

>Michael Kurkowski wrote:
>> As far as I know, the only train from SSS that will connect is at
>> 0925. At least, this is what I have myself booked on after
>> consultation with another member of this newsgroup, and the station
>> assistant at Ivanhoe this evening. This arrives at 1053.
>Do you have to book on this?


I just did because I'm unsure what time the booking office at SSS opens. 

A month ago, while going down to Geelong on a weekday to get a taxi out to 
Moorabool to photograph some 38's (hows THAT for rail enthusiasm) there was 
a very narrow time between the opening of the booking office and the first 
Geelong train. Either way, you should be safe.
