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Re: [VIC] V/line timetables on the net

ajmbrook@ozemail.com.au (James Brook) wrote in 

>I have just been looking at the times for connecting trains with the Y
>class trip tomorrow. Instead of the old system where you selected a
>region and it then showed you the entire timetable, you now have to use
>an extremely inefficient trip planner from victrip. <sarcasm>Well done

As far as I know, the only train from SSS that will connect is at 0925. At 
least, this is what I have myself booked on after consultation with another 
member of this newsgroup, and the station assistant at Ivanhoe this 
evening. This arrives at 1053.

Looks like this may be a rather full train - anyone in V/Line Pass, take 
note, expect a large number of railfans aboard this service (:

