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Re: home signal

In article <39143DC5.FFC11CF8@fastlink.com.au> Railway Rasputin II <bob@fastlink.com.au> writes:
>From: Railway Rasputin II <bob@fastlink.com.au>
>Subject: Re: home signal
>Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 01:44:05 +1000

>Eddie Oliver wrote:

>> All the manually-operated distants for home signals in block telegraph
>> sections, for a start (although there aren't many block telegraph
>> sections left). And then all the power-operated distants for automatic
>> signals on the main south, and a few elsewhere.
>> Eddie Oliver

>Block section down Exeter way. 
>Distant signals on double lines are/were on the main south somewhere
>between Picton and Mittagong. 
>We actually went there to see an upperquadrant distant in action.
>However due to the signal up grading which is taken place in the above
>areas it might of changed. I will go on a fact finding and goodwill
>study tour to see if they are still there.


On your way , you might wish to stop at Uranquinty Loop and see if you can 
figure out the purpose of signal 15 .
This one has me totally stumped.
For those of you not familar with this one , signal 15 is a (home signal ??? 
-o-o)  located around 3/4 of the way thru the crossing loop on the main line 
in the down direction only.
Between it and the departure home (signal 25) at the end of the loop is 
nothing but dead straight track,no points, nothing.
Uranquinty loop is a short loop, only 900 M long so the possibly of refuging a 
train between signal 15 and signal 25 , the departure home is very unlikely.

      5                                       15         25
    -o-o                                   -o-o       -o-o                    
             \   o-o-                                     /    o-o-
                 o-o-                   -o-o \       -o-o
                                            17  \        27

I hope the picture comes out ok.
Apart from making the diagram look nice , ie the signals are symmetrical
I can so no purpose for signal 15.