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Re: [Vic] Fast (160km/h) Train to country Vic.

james_ccj@my-deja.com wrote:
> According to the radio,this project would create lots of jobs and travel
> time would cut by upto 1 hour ??!! is this possible? I though they
> wanted to reduced timing to Bendigo by half an hour(from 1h 45 minutes
> down to 1 h and 15 minutes), 

They're talking round trip savings!!..sounds better huh!!..as most of these
trips might be of the commute variety I suppose its realistic to talk in terms
of total journey (round trip).

An hour a day is a pretty good pick up....still have to laugth at the
Herald/Sun's littel table of comparison......banners like "Speed Rail" and
VFT...cringe cringe...160kph is fast..no arguement...but nothing overly
exciting really,,,very passe....to infer "Very" in talkng of regional country
pass...then at least 200kph should be the bench mark...and gee thats been
around for quite a few years..

Now maybe something like the new Adtranz "Crusaris"...nowthat starts to get
seriosly interesting....diesel, tilt ..look pretty schmick too!!...oh
yeah..they are fast to very fast...160-250...this is what we should be looing
at.....Speedrail between the majors..and maybe Crusaris into the regions...why
play catch up to 20-25 year old standards ..when we can up the ante a
little....Bendigo in an Hour anyone!! :-)))

>:~)) Richard