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Re: Westrail : comparison to F.A.

In article <47l0ds4j56eqbahgrou9olgapfjjiavkko@4ax.com> "< Tell >" <telljb@netozemail.com.au> writes:
>From: "< Tell >" <telljb@netozemail.com.au>
>Subject: Re: Westrail : comparison to F.A.
>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 12:58:42 +0930

>mdaly@pcug.org.au (Maurie Daly) wrote:
>> Realistically, once you privatise an assett, then you arnt in a position to 
>> make demands on how the new owners run their business.

>Yes like using railways as a buffer (pun intended)
>against unemployment, it was used for years in South
>Australia, .........pre ANR/AN.

>> Whilst it would be nice if all rollingstock was made in Australia,its totally 
>> unreasonable for the Govt to then demand that the new company must have their 
>> rollingstock made here, after all we dont require that the trucking industry 
>> must only use Australian made trucks or that motorists must buy cars which are 
>> made in Australia.

>I love that one, you will be awarded a contract IF you
>agree to build all or most of it in our State.  
>Is it any wonder costs skyrocket in OZ.
>> If one looks at the current record of Govt privatizations up until now , once 
>> an assett is privatised then its run simply to make a profit for the new 
>> owner, perfectly understandable .

>Yes indeed, NSW excluded, anyone feel a new X train
>coming on.?

>> If the Govt wants rollingstock made here and after competive tendering the 
>> local company loses,then the Govt must subsidise the local production.

>Nope, I disagree on that one, Clyde moved their
>facilities all over the place to comply.  The NR loco
>contract initiated by a previous federal government was
>one of the worse political pieces of train building OZ
>style in many years, can you spell NEWCASTLE.

>----Terry Burton
><< Remove net after @ for email reply. >>

Its still really a subsidy terry , as historically it was the Govt (mainly 
State Govts ) who were the purchasers of all the locos.
Point taken about the movable Clyde facilities.
The most blatant example of this was building the SRA 82s in Mittagong which 
just happened to be in the NSW Premiers electorate at the time.
Funny that Clyde isnt in Mittagong anymore.