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Re: Westrail : comparison to F.A.

mdaly@pcug.org.au (Maurie Daly) wrote:
> Realistically, once you privatise an assett, then you arnt in a position to 
> make demands on how the new owners run their business.

Yes like using railways as a buffer (pun intended)
against unemployment, it was used for years in South
Australia, .........pre ANR/AN.

> Whilst it would be nice if all rollingstock was made in Australia,its totally 
> unreasonable for the Govt to then demand that the new company must have their 
> rollingstock made here, after all we dont require that the trucking industry 
> must only use Australian made trucks or that motorists must buy cars which are 
> made in Australia.

I love that one, you will be awarded a contract IF you
agree to build all or most of it in our State.  
Is it any wonder costs skyrocket in OZ.
> If one looks at the current record of Govt privatizations up until now , once 
> an assett is privatised then its run simply to make a profit for the new 
> owner, perfectly understandable .

Yes indeed, NSW excluded, anyone feel a new X train
coming on.?

> If the Govt wants rollingstock made here and after competive tendering the 
> local company loses,then the Govt must subsidise the local production.

Nope, I disagree on that one, Clyde moved their
facilities all over the place to comply.  The NR loco
contract initiated by a previous federal government was
one of the worse political pieces of train building OZ
style in many years, can you spell NEWCASTLE.

----Terry Burton
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