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Re: Railfan freindly railways (was: Left Wing Jerks)

> Most railway systems are going to get more and more nervous about ANYONE
who is
> trespassing on there land.



There is the word! Trespassing!
If a person is on a platform with a legitamate ticket, or on a public
overbridge then a person is not trespassing. So a person with a camera on a
platform should be treated the same way as any passenger.
Pity that in NSW they dont treat passengers all that well either . .

 There is a continual stream of people who seem
> intent on getting themselves killed, on vandalizing equipment, on plasing
> stones eyc on the rails, or  throwing stones. It is very difficult to
> the sheep from the goats. In NSW it is even difficult for staff to get
near the
> tracks without some form of possession

Your not wrong there. But usually those people dont carry cameras, and
anyone near the rails is a suspect. The only way they will prevent that is
to fence off everything including platforms.


> --
> Bruce L. Greening
> bgreeni@ibm.net