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Re: Surviving R classes (was: West Coast Railway and 6042 - AD60 Garrett)

David Bromage <dbromage@fang.omni.com.au> wrote in message
> James Brook (ajmbrook@ozemail.com.au) won a Nobel Prize for literature by
> > R704 - ARHS museum (static exhibit)
> Is R704 in any state to be restored, or has it been out in the open too
> long? What about H220?

I would dearly love to see H220 restored to operating condition. However, I
am told by a "reliable source" that there aren't many tracks around strong
enough to cope with the extremely high mass of the loco (approx 260 ton, I'm
told). Still, one can only dream   :-)

Matt Smith
Brisbane, QLD
(Remove the 'NOJUNK' to reply).

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