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Re: West Coast Railway and 6042 - AD60 Garrett

Stuart Thyer wrote:

[6042 returns, courtesy of WCR}

> Laugh if you will, but I've heard it straight from the mouth of a WCR
> director. I imagine it is only a maybe not a will, stay tuned but don't hold
> your virtual breaths. WCR are not afraid to look at all options no matter
> how ludicrous they sound. They have also looked at Pendennis Castle and a
> new chinese built engine. I personally have my doubts, but that is what they
> stated they were looking at

Surely there's plenty of other, less expensive options? If they can get
a 60 running again, more power to them, but it sounds like a big

I'd be thinking more along the lines of a 36 or 59, or if I was really
going left field, 3813 (what condition are the bits in, anyway?).

Semi-seriously, why not reguage an R? There may be economies of scale
and whatnot in sticking to what they know.

Hmmm. It all sounds like hard work, no matter what. Go the Garrat!

> Stuart Thyer

Robert Kearey		Remote Access Group
ITS			University of Queensland
My poor Krell!		I don't speak for my employer