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Re: Risky Freight Trains

The more I read form you Tezza, the more I sounds like you miss out on a job
with NRC and your still pissed of about it. I think your attack on 3 dead
men who are not hear today to defend themselves was a foolish move and well
below the belt. The fact that 2 died because of RAC's negligence makes what
you're statement implied even worse.

As for the numerous safeworking breaches and pressuring of employee's you
have alleged against NRC and FC. I would suggest you call the RBTU Loco
Division tomorrow, organise a meeting with Bob Hayden or one of the other
Bob's and present them with all the information you can provide them. There
phone number is 9264 3400.

If you've got some hard facts. Don't just bitch about to the newsgroup. Give
it to somebody who can use it for everyone's benefit.

Tezza wrote in message
>"Russell Norton" <russelln@iprimus.com.au> wrote in message > "Tezza"
><tezza2000@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in message
> >
>> > FC and NR and AT are all guilty of putting profit before safety and
>> > maintenance. Then of course there's no-one to make sure that NR and AT
>> > proper train inspections - which they quite often don't. Even many FC
>> staff
>> > don't bother to do brake retention tests any more.
>> Of course you have evidence of all this
>My own 2 eyes.
>>(in addition to mealroom gossip or
>> personal opinion), and of course you have also formally advised RAC and
>> Department of Transport of these very serious breaches.
>No way to prove it.
>> Major operators are very concerned about safety, and continuously review
>> performance and compliance. Disregarding safety procedures places an
>> operator in a position of losing their accreditation to run trains,a
>> situation which would have an obvious effect on an operators profit.
>Only if caught and then proved responsible. As long as they've got their
>bits of paper to say what is supposed to be done they're safe. Then they
>pressure staff to get things done quickly and turn a blind eye when natural
>laziness takes over. In FreightCorpse case they harass employees who try to
>do things by the book.