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Re: NSW State Rail...a nightmare that is getting worse

The cleanliness of the carriages is a problem.The staffs answer is always
the user,but the user pays and the staff are the servants who are paid to
produce.The solutions with cleaning are twofold:(1) get more efficient
security to provide protection of the state assets and (2) get the cleaning
done by contracting it out on performance and volume.This should go to any
other functions from the top to the bottom---then enjoy the difference.

See the Website at:<www.torpan.com>

C. Dewick <craigd@lios.apana.org.au> wrote in message
> "Pete" <Klendathu98@yahoo.com.len> >Im new to this group, and my train
expertise only goes as far as being a
> >victim..I mean customer of State Rail in NSW. Things are reaching a
> >point in State Rail's network.
> Welcome to the newsgroup Peter... There is also the
> 'misc.transport.rail.australia-nz' newsgroup as well - I try to cross-post
> my articles to both newsgroups.
> >Im a regular traveller from the Campbelltown area to the city circle, and
> >things cant get much worse.
> They can, actually. 8-)
> >-Late trains are becoming the norm. Cancellations during peak hour seem
> >latest increasing trends.
> What is your definition of 'late'? Everyone seems to have a different view
> of what constitutes a 'late' train... Don't just believe the media's
> anti-government views. 8-)
> >-Filthy trains in the morning. Once had stagnant water swishing around on
> >the floor. The smell of vomit is sometimes present as well.
> Yes, this is always a problem with trains that aren't cleaned properly.
> you know where the problem comes from? The passengers - *not* the cleaning
> staff. If passengers took more care with their rubbish we wouldn't have
> problems with unclean trains..
> You can't say it's the fault of the cleaning staff when it's the
> public who are causing all the rubbish and filth in the first place.
> >- Forget catching a train on the weekends, if a bus service isnt bad
> >enough....the cancellations will surely break the spirit of even the most
> >optimistic of travellers.
> Weekends are the only time to do upgrading, maintenance, etc. Nightwork is
> generally out now because of stupid noise regulations. So, if the work
> can't be done at night, when is it going to be done? During the weekday
> periods? 8-)
> >- The security guards are keystone cops, and the criminals that travel
> >system know it. Violent hoodlums rule the system at night, especially on
> >gloomily lit stations that are not attended. Even during the daylight
> >standing on a Western Suburbs platorm can be a semi-dangerous experience.
> Partly true. The fact there are security staff present on trains is the
> preventative measure. It's like protecting your car or house against a
> break-in. The professionals and other determined people can always defeat
> any security efforts, and it's the same on trains. You can never eliminate
> problems with passenger safety - only reduce it to a level that your
> resources can cope with.
> >-Summer, air conditioner on Non-Tangara trains doesnt usually work. Come
> >Winter, its on full blast freeze mode.
> Once again, this is generalising. Non-tangara trains (except some K and
> C set cars) don't have any air-conditioning.
> >-Ticket prices are an outrage, and just keep going up. 35 bucks for a
> >into the city and rising.
> Under a completely private regime with the same level of service you would
> be paying about $120 for your weekly ticket, and that would just be to
> running costs without any profit margin (to allow for infrastructure and
> other improvements).
> Saying $35 per week is expensive is just not true. If you drove your car
> running costs, etc. would come to at least $100 per week when *all* of the
> costs (not just fuel, parking, etc.) are taken into account. So rail
> is damned cheap by comparison.
> Why do you think taxi fares cost so much? 8-)
> >-ticketing police that have delusions of power. I once honestly lost my
> >ticket on a journey, only to be rudely slapped with a 100 dollar
> >though I had first walked to the ticket office at my destination and
> >payment. I explained that for years I had been a honest paying traveller,
> >and here I was with a  lost ticket offering to pay...not good enough.
> I agree with you here... However fare evasion is a big problem, and it
> gets worse with more people using the system.
> >When will this fiasco end? When will the prices stop rising and the
> >stop plummeting? And they wonder why people avoid public transport as
> >as possible and hit the roads?
> The service isn't plummeting - you're just saying that because the service
> on *your* line hasn't improved. Look at the whole system and then think
> about what you just said. There have been *many* improvements: more lines,
> newer trains, more services, more stations, better transport for special
> events, better facilties for disabled and elderly people, etc.
> >Does anybody from inside State Rail have an opinion on whats causing the
> >trouble? Lack of funds? Bad management?
> Read this group more often and you'll see there are quite a few of us who
> post here. I'm a driver with CityRail so I know where your gripes are
> from. I just don't agree with the b/s about fares being too high.
> Regards,
> Craig.
> --
>             Craig Ian Dewick            |       Stand clear - jaws closing
>  Send email to craigd@lios.apana.org.au |  Visit my Australian rail
>    Professional Train Driver, Cityrail  |      and rail modelling web
>        and HO scale rail modeller       |