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Re: NSW State Rail...a nightmare that is getting worse

In article <38F080E9.5BBEA2D3@ozemail.com.au>,
  Anita Lukaszyk <neety@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> My comments are marked with *
> Hubert Lam wrote:
> > Trains around sector 3 (North Shore, Western Lines, Main North) are generally much cleaner for no
> > apparent reason. Maybe people are more "civilised" (forgive me) around these areas. I'm not saying
> > people in the south are uncivilised, but somehow when you look at trains from the south and compare
> > them with the north, the north ones are MUCH cleaner. (and I've never smelt vomit on a sector 3
> > maintained train)
* I have to agree with you there Hubert. Some people/areas have more
respect for property than others.(Flame me if you want, but its true)
Last week, I was on a Tangara going from Liverpool the the City. EVERY
car was filty. Biscuits crushed on the floor, soft drink bottles, etc. I
have never encountered a train so filthy!

I have no arguments with that (no framing from me!) - Before I seat on
the train, I have to check the seat corners or gaps for needles and
syringes which I found about 5 in my life time of traveling on East
Hills/Campbelltown trains as they also ran through the Cabramatta areas.

Sometimes the V-sets (from the South Coast - so far) have the odd needle
and syringe here and there. But the V-sets can be difficult clean if
there is vomit on the carpet for example, which I still smell the vomit
and see some staining remaining even when I sat on the first runs.

I think the worst time you will see the trains (all sectors generally)
will become so filthy is between 18:00 and 20:00 weeknights as the
trains about to finish their evening peak runs.

Danny Mok

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